KOBAC U car and car maintenance
Japan’s largest car maintenance chain based in Toyota city
Characteristics from the customer’s point of view
- “Japan’s best and largest car maintenance chain. You can find a safe and secured second-hand vehicle that has full maintenance record from the factory shipment to yesterday.”
- “The company concept is ‘Don’t wait till it’s broken. Maintain and inspect your car to prevent it from breaking.’”
- “The car will have a long life; therefore you can use it for a long time, and you can sell it at a good price when you want to buy a new one.”
- “Car life lifetime cost will be reduced, and there will be less discarded cars; the system is eco-friendly.”
Characteristics of the business
- Second-hand automobile businesses often fail to provide enough vehicle information, but KOBAC will have all the information from the factory shipment.
- The commitment to be sincere to their customers
- No middleman involved= low price
- They already have an established method to learn techniques of the inspection and maintenance
- The appeal for preventive maintenance indicates the company philosophy
- Possible to have a right of exclusivity
Investment information
Initial investment cost: from USD300,000 per store
Number of the managers required: min.1
Retail space required: min. 260sqm
Number of staff required: min. 6
FC headquarters’ information
Number of the directly managed stores: 16
Number of FC member stores: 450